April 28, 2013

Egypt and more

Some recommendations from Valentina (casestudy: Cairo)

From the documentary Utopia in Four Movements

The World's Largest Shopping Mall from Kontent Films on Vimeo.

Another documentary on Egypt and Cairo : The City of the Dead

A promotion for Stone Park Residential Compound New Cairo City Egypt

And, an episode of South Park on the financial crisis: Margaritville: video

April 23, 2013

Seminar - where?

Tomorrow we'll meet up at A4. Likely we'll change to a smaller place, E407. So, if you're late, and nobody is in A4, try two stairs up, to the right: E407. The door will be open.

April 19, 2013

Seminar 24th April

Next week we'll have a seminar, exactly where will be decided on Monday.

Everyone re-reads the previous texts and books:

David Harvey: A Brief History of Neoliberalism (2005)
Slavoj Zizek: First as tragedy, then as farce (2009)
Markus Wolf: Unfettered finance is fast reshaping the global economy, from Financial Times, June 18th 2007
Then we have 7 new texts: books and excerpts

1. Owen Hatherley: A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain (2010) – Chapters: Introduction + Southampton
An inventory and critical analysis of recent projects in UK by the critic Owen Hatherley. These reports have been published previously as Urban Trawl in the British magazine Building Design.

2. Mike Davis (ed.): Evil Paradises: Dreamworlds of Neoliberalism (2008) – Chapters: Introduction + Chapter 3: Sand, Fear, and Money in Dubai (Mike Davis) + Capital of Chaos (Anthony Fotenot + Ajmal Maiwandi)
Mike Davis, perhaps most known for his description of Los Angeles in City of Quartz, has edited a collection of urban phenomena and casestudies worldwide created by a neoliberal logic.

3. Carmen M. Reinhart & Kenneth S. Rogoff: This Time is Different (2009) – pp. x-xlv +1-20
A survey of eight centuries of financial follies, at times a bit technical but the best overview and survey on the subject.

4. David Graeber: Debt, The First 5000 Years (2011) – pp. 361–
Graeber is an anthropologist and activist in the Occupy-movement who wrote this survey on concept of debt. Compare with the French historian Jacques Le Goff’s account of the early development of lending of money.

5. Roemer van Toorn: Fresh Conservatism (1997)
An essay by Dutch architectural theorist Toorn amidst the boom of Dutch architecture in the 90-s when MVRDV, OMA et al started a global media career.

6. Sam Jacobs: The Ruins of the Future (2008)
Jacobs is part of FAT (Fashion Architecture Taste), a London based office, but also a writer and journalist, the short essay is a reflection on the state of things in 2008.

7. David Harvey: The Right to the City (2008)
Marxist geographer and the author to Brief History of Neoliberalism, on the city.
We'll be in two groups. Everyone reads two texts and browse at least the rest of the texts. If you need  to change, please let me know.

Owen Hatherley + Sam Jacobs: Bergis Louis, Westman Rasmus
Mike Davis + Roemer van Toorn: Pajares de la Peña Jorge, Lane Jordan
Reinhart + Rogoff + Sam Jacobs: Alan Devrim, Elizalde Adrian,
Graeber + Harvey: Delibas Döne, Vila Reyes Marina

Owen Hatherley + Sam Jacobs:Hennessey Clive, Bokor Jacqueline,
Mike Davis + Roemer van Toorn: Reimer Valentina, Räsänen Iida Maria
Reinhart + Rogoff + Sam Jacobs: Owczarczyk Grzegorz, Chrysovergis Stavros
Graeber + Harvey: Vila Reyes Marina

April 18, 2013

Film No. 4: Inside Job

Inside Job, 2010
Director: Charles Ferguson
More info: wiki + movie site

For those who missed parts of it, here online – with Spanish subtitles: Inside Job

April 16, 2013

Seminar: Update

Location: A2 or A5
10:00 Film: Inside Job

Location: A7 (the small room beyond A6)
10:10 Bergis Louis, Westman Rasmus
10:40 Bokor Jacqueline, Pajares de la Peña Jorge
11:00 Alan Devrim, Elizalde Adrian, Delibas Döne
11:30 Hennessey Clive, Lane Jordan
13:00 Reimer Valentina, Räsänen Iida Maria
13:20 Vila Reyes Marina, Östberg Sara
13:50 Owczarczyk Grzegorz, Chrysovergis Stavros

April 1, 2013

Casestudy: more info

For you who haven’t chosen your casestudy, please mail me your site. It doesn’t need to be in your country origin, nor does it be in Spain. But, you have to be sure to be able to source information.

The casestudy should not be less than 1300 words and all should have the information below (Name, Location et cetera)
Length: 1300 words

Size (sqm/km2):
Built space (sqm):
Planned population / capacity:

Description: about the site - what has been built - for whom - financing - strategies - public spaces - legislation (change, relaxation) - history - et cetera et cetera

Recommended tools:
Google Maps: webbased and easy to use. Requires an account to create own maps and thereby measuring.
Google Earth: is perhaps more useful with its ability to view older satellite imagery (i.e. track changes). It is also an easy way, without a GIS-program, to draw polygons and measure areas and distances.

March 18, 2013

Casestudies: the list

Jacqueline Bokor: Seseña
Adrian Elizalde: Lleida-Alguaire Airport
Döne Delibas: Valdecarros / Madrid
Jorge Pajares: Sanchinarro / Madrid
Devrim Alan: Valdeluz

Clive Hennessey: Adamstown / Dublin

Valentina Reimer: Cairo's Desert Towns

Stavros Chrysovergis: Ntrafi

Grzegorz Owczarczyk: Zlota 44 / Warsaw

Jordan Lane: Kjósarhreppur

Marina Vila Reyes: Luanda / Nova Cidade de Kilamba

Rasmus Westman: Ordos, Nei Mongol

A Google Map is available: here.

March 10, 2013

David Harvey about the Crisis of Capitalism

David Harvey – author of "A Brief History of Neoliberalism" (2005) – on another RSA Animate lectures.
More about Harvey here: wiki.

March 7, 2013

To Do: Until next Wednesday

– Choose a site for your case study. Mail me on Tuesday at the latest.
– Read the texts for the seminar.
– Finish the micro assignment no. 1, if you haven't.

Film: First as Tragedy, Then as Farce

Short animation on a Slavoj Zizek lecture.

Concept: Speculation

 From Marina's presentation.
And here's aonther film from the same people:
Simiocracia (Apecracy)

March 5, 2013

Possible Case-Study: The Ghost Cities of Madrid

View Ghost Spain in a larger map

Stalled, failed and aborted contemporay projects in and around Madrid. 

Assignment 2: Case-study

Purpose: To investigate the traces of the crash of 2008
Choose a site: It shouldn't be confined to one building, rather a few blocks or a part of a city. Preferably a planned neighborhood or similar. The project should relate to the financial crisis of the later part of the 2000-s or later. 

Assignment 1: an essay

Write a short essay on the topic of your presentation, i.e. neoliberalism, debt et cetera et cetera. The essay should be 1100 words or longer (avoid being too long). Please use other sources than just Wikipedia. And of course: ask if you're having trouble finding.
The ambition is to collect the different texts and maybe make a small A5 publication together with assignment no. 2.

New Texts

Next Wednesday – 13th of March – we will talk about financialization and other things with a guest, Agneta Cederström; a risk analyst and mathematician. Prepare by reading the following texts:

One of the best texts on medieval Europe and the development of the loan and interest rate. Short essay.
Jacques le Goff: Your Money or Your Life (1986)

A contemporary account of debt. The last chapter takes you from 1971 up til today.
David GraeberDebt - The First 5000 Years (2011): pp. 361–

An accessible book by the Slovenian political philospher Zizek.  
Slavoj Zizek: First As Tragedy, Then As Farce (2009): pp. [nice animation: here]

If you only have time to read one text til next week, this article is the one.
Martin Wolf: Unfettered Capitalism – Financial Times 18th June 2007

The 7 Seminars

1: Introduction + Film
2: 27th February – US-R-4CLOSED, an introduction to the American housing market and the world's problem.
3: 6th March –  assignments + Film
4: 13th March – Financialization and more. Guest: Agneta Cederström. + Film
==== pause ====
5: 17th April – Text seminar in two groups. One at 10:00, the other at 13:00. At an alternative place, to be announced later.
6: 24th April – Working seminar. On casestudies. Film
==== pause ====
7: 8th May – Final seminar. Presentations of Casestudies.

The Scale of Money: v. 1

The Scale of Money: Data

March 4, 2013

Where's the seminar?

Here's a list of where we'll meet. Any changes will be posted here.'

10:00, Wednesdays

6 March: A5 Övre Ateljén [if possible, I'll try to change this]
13 March: A4
17 April: A3 [we might be somewhere else]
24 April: A4
8 May: Övre paviljongen [top external pavilion]

February 26, 2013

Film No. 2: The Queen of Versailles

Director: Lauren Greenfield
More info: Movie site + Wiki

Film No. 1: All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace from science2art on Vimeo.
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

Director: Adam Curtis

Episode title: "Love and Power"

Episode title: "The Use and Abuse of Vegetational Concepts".

Episode title: "The Monkey In The Machine and the Machine in the Monkey".

A series of films about how humans have been colonised by the machines they have built. Although we don't realise it, the way we see everything in the world today is through the eyes of the computers.
This is the story of the dream that rose up in the 1990s that computers could create a new kind of stable world. They would bring about a new kind global capitalism free of all risk and without the boom and bust of the past. They would also abolish political power and create a new kind of democracy through the internet where millions of individuals would be connected as nodes in cybernetic systems - without hierarchy.
The film tells the story of two perfect worlds. One is the small group of disciples around the novelist Ayn Rand in the 1950s. They saw themselves as a prototype for a future society where everyone could follow their own selfish desires. The other is the global utopia that digital entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley set out to create in the 1990s. Many of them were also disciples of Ayn Rand. They believed that the new computer networks would allow the creation of a society where everyone could follow their own desires, yet there would not be anarchy. They were joined by Alan Greenspan who had also been a disciple of Ayn Rand. He became convinced that the computers were creating a new kind of stable capitalism - "Like a New Planet", he said.
But the dream of stability in both worlds would be torn apart by the two dynamic human forces - love and power.


FAIR USE NOTICE: This material is made available in an effort to advance understanding of the "Machine" paradigm. We believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

Seminar 27th of February

Place: A2
Time: 10:00–13:00 [approx]

February 20, 2013

Mapping the seminar

View Bubbles in a larger map

Micro-assignment: The Scale of Money

Delivery: 27th February
Format: Illustrator 
What: Identify three money amounts relevant to you and your experience. Rather a larger amount than small, i.e. the cost of the Gotthard Tunnel or the Oslo Opera House or the GDP of Spain rather than the price of a new car.
How: Visualize the amounts as circles. Details and scale will be updated here, soon.  


Please prepare a presentation of one of the subjects below. It should around 15 minutes and not longer than 20 (since there will be three of you presenting each time.)

 Money: Stavros
The Market: Valentina Reimer
Neoliberalism: Devrim Alan
Risk: Adrian
Consumption/Speculation: Marina Vila
“The New Economy”: Jordan


Commodification: Jacqueline Bokor
Financialization: Louis Bergis
Too big to fail: Jorge Pajares de la Pena
Oligopol: Sara Östberg
Quantification (Positivism): Rasmus Westman
Profit-Motive: Greg
Collapse/Bubble: Clive
Commercialism: Döne Delibas
Financial instruments and innovations