March 18, 2013

Casestudies: the list

Jacqueline Bokor: Seseña
Adrian Elizalde: Lleida-Alguaire Airport
Döne Delibas: Valdecarros / Madrid
Jorge Pajares: Sanchinarro / Madrid
Devrim Alan: Valdeluz

Clive Hennessey: Adamstown / Dublin

Valentina Reimer: Cairo's Desert Towns

Stavros Chrysovergis: Ntrafi

Grzegorz Owczarczyk: Zlota 44 / Warsaw

Jordan Lane: Kjósarhreppur

Marina Vila Reyes: Luanda / Nova Cidade de Kilamba

Rasmus Westman: Ordos, Nei Mongol

A Google Map is available: here.

March 10, 2013

David Harvey about the Crisis of Capitalism

David Harvey – author of "A Brief History of Neoliberalism" (2005) – on another RSA Animate lectures.
More about Harvey here: wiki.

March 7, 2013

To Do: Until next Wednesday

– Choose a site for your case study. Mail me on Tuesday at the latest.
– Read the texts for the seminar.
– Finish the micro assignment no. 1, if you haven't.

Film: First as Tragedy, Then as Farce

Short animation on a Slavoj Zizek lecture.

Concept: Speculation

 From Marina's presentation.
And here's aonther film from the same people:
Simiocracia (Apecracy)

March 5, 2013

Possible Case-Study: The Ghost Cities of Madrid

View Ghost Spain in a larger map

Stalled, failed and aborted contemporay projects in and around Madrid. 

Assignment 2: Case-study

Purpose: To investigate the traces of the crash of 2008
Choose a site: It shouldn't be confined to one building, rather a few blocks or a part of a city. Preferably a planned neighborhood or similar. The project should relate to the financial crisis of the later part of the 2000-s or later. 

Assignment 1: an essay

Write a short essay on the topic of your presentation, i.e. neoliberalism, debt et cetera et cetera. The essay should be 1100 words or longer (avoid being too long). Please use other sources than just Wikipedia. And of course: ask if you're having trouble finding.
The ambition is to collect the different texts and maybe make a small A5 publication together with assignment no. 2.

New Texts

Next Wednesday – 13th of March – we will talk about financialization and other things with a guest, Agneta Cederström; a risk analyst and mathematician. Prepare by reading the following texts:

One of the best texts on medieval Europe and the development of the loan and interest rate. Short essay.
Jacques le Goff: Your Money or Your Life (1986)

A contemporary account of debt. The last chapter takes you from 1971 up til today.
David GraeberDebt - The First 5000 Years (2011): pp. 361–

An accessible book by the Slovenian political philospher Zizek.  
Slavoj Zizek: First As Tragedy, Then As Farce (2009): pp. [nice animation: here]

If you only have time to read one text til next week, this article is the one.
Martin Wolf: Unfettered Capitalism – Financial Times 18th June 2007

The 7 Seminars

1: Introduction + Film
2: 27th February – US-R-4CLOSED, an introduction to the American housing market and the world's problem.
3: 6th March –  assignments + Film
4: 13th March – Financialization and more. Guest: Agneta Cederström. + Film
==== pause ====
5: 17th April – Text seminar in two groups. One at 10:00, the other at 13:00. At an alternative place, to be announced later.
6: 24th April – Working seminar. On casestudies. Film
==== pause ====
7: 8th May – Final seminar. Presentations of Casestudies.

The Scale of Money: v. 1

The Scale of Money: Data

March 4, 2013

Where's the seminar?

Here's a list of where we'll meet. Any changes will be posted here.'

10:00, Wednesdays

6 March: A5 Övre Ateljén [if possible, I'll try to change this]
13 March: A4
17 April: A3 [we might be somewhere else]
24 April: A4
8 May: Övre paviljongen [top external pavilion]